Friday, 21 May 2010

The last weekend of the Brighton Festival

Starting tomorrow is the final weekend of the 2010 Brighton Festival (and the Fringe Festival). If you're coming into Brighton, there's loads to do - including wandering round the Artists Open Houses that surround The Laine Deli. Alternatively, if you're wondering what to do with the family on Sunday, why not pop down to Brighton Marina for the Big Splash; a free day of alfresco fun. This year's events include street entertainers and special hands-on activities for children. The event concludes with a firework display over the Marina.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Make sure your vote counts!

Brighton Food AwardsApparently over 1000 people have voted in the Brighton & Hove Foodie Awards since they were launched in March. If you've already voted for us - thank you!

If not, please head for, where you can vote for Best Cafe (that's the category we're in!), Best Restaurant, Best Food Pub and Best Food Shop. Voting remains open until September.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

The Brighton Festival Of Artists Open Houses

We're big fans of the Artists Open Houses festival, which takes place during the city-wide Brighton Festival in May. This year we're particularly excited because The Laine Deli actually appears in one of the paintings that's on display. The painting is called 'Kensington Place from Horatio House', the artist is Vincent Donlin and his work - along with that of Paul Emerson - can be seen during the first four weekends this month at 12 Carlyle Street. The Places, Faces, Time and Spaces house is open from 12 noon until 5pm, Saturday & Sunday until 23rd May 2010.

Kensington Place from Horatio House